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My Way of Living the Corona Virus & Vaccine (Covid-19)

Writer's picture: Jiaoshi AndreaJiaoshi Andrea

Updated: Nov 9, 2024

Navigating the Pandemic: My Personal Perspective on Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic has been a defining moment in the lives of millions. For many, it’s a tragedy that has disrupted daily life, caused immense loss, and triggered widespread fear and uncertainty. For others, like myself, it is just another event in the ongoing journey of life. I approach it in the same way I approach other challenges — with mindfulness and an understanding that things don't always unfold as we would wish.

The Reality of the Pandemic

I understand the gravity of the situation. Many people have lost their lives, their jobs, and have faced severe difficulties due to the pandemic. These outcomes are undeniably tragic. But as we all navigate through this crisis, it’s important to acknowledge that things might have been different if we had collectively responded with more awareness and less impulsivity.

Unfortunately, the central driving force in the world today is money, and this has led to decisions that have prioritized the economy over health. Early in the pandemic, many countries were reluctant to shut down fully, opting to keep things running in the name of financial stability. However, this approach has often been at odds with protecting human life and public health.

My Personal Approach to the Pandemic

When the pandemic first began, long before much was known about the virus, I made the decision to wear a face mask even to my music studio, which was only 50 meters from my doorstep. This was a simple precaution, driven by an awareness of the potential risk, even in situations where there seemed to be no immediate danger.

I continue to wear a mask when necessary — in shops, crowded places, or anywhere it is required. However, I have chosen not to take the Covid-19 vaccine, and I’ll explain why. My decision is based on two main reasons: first, I don’t know what exactly is in the vaccine, and second, the vaccine works differently from traditional vaccines, as it was explained to modify something in the human body. Given the uncertainty around its long-term effects, I’ve decided to wait.

The Importance of Collective Responsibility

My choice to wait is largely possible because I live in relative isolation. Society, as it is, feels disconnected, and I strive to minimize my interactions with it. In fact, my original plan was to move to the mountains and teach Nei Qi Gong online, continuing my work while staying largely removed from the busy world.

That said, I do believe it’s crucial for people who are regularly exposed to others — whether through their jobs, social interactions, or otherwise — to get vaccinated. The reason is simple: many people are unaware of how their actions impact others. I've witnessed individuals who had previously contracted Covid-19 act irresponsibly, putting not only themselves but also their loved ones at risk.

A Better Way to Handle the Crisis

As much as I personally feel the world’s response to the pandemic could have been better, I am also aware of the influence of money and the general lack of patience in our society. The pandemic has shown us how easily we can overlook the larger picture, failing to make decisions that would benefit society as a whole.

If we had approached this crisis with greater awareness, fewer impulsive decisions, and a more unified front, we could have handled the situation much more effectively. But as we know, in a world driven by profits and short-term goals, such solutions often remain out of reach.

Final Thoughts: Personal Choices and Collective Awareness

These are simply my thoughts based on my life choices and experiences. I don’t want to influence anyone to adopt my perspective — just to encourage greater reflection on the choices we make and the consequences they have on those around us.

The key takeaway here is the importance of being aware of the impact we have on others. Whether it’s choosing to wear a mask, getting vaccinated, or simply practicing mindfulness in our daily actions, we each have a responsibility to contribute positively to the collective wellbeing of society.

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