My name is Jiaoshi Andrea. I am an Italian Nei Qi Gong instructor, advanced practitioner, and direct student of Shifu Costantino Valente, founder of the Nei Qi Gong method, and of the school Nei Qi Gong Fu. I have been a spiritual seeker my whole life. I was a Buddhist tantric practitioner. I took ayahuasca, peyote, and medicinal plants several times, and took part in shamanic ceremonies. I read books about mysticism and listen to spiritual teachers since I was very young. When I started practicing Nei Qi Gong my spiritual search was finally over.
Qi is the vital energy that flows in the meridians (channels) of the body and regulates its fundamental functions, determining health, strength, psycho-physical well-being, longevity, and awareness.​

In Taoism, Qi is used as a tool to access higher states of consciousness, recalling the Ling Qi (spiritual Qi) on the top of the head for a deeper connection with the whole​

In martial arts, especially the "internal" Chinese ones, it has always been taught that the real strength is not the muscular one, but the subtle and explosive one of Qi (which grows with age instead of decreasing)​

In Chinese medicine (the oldest in the world) all treatments and remedies are aimed at increasing and rebalancing the Qi in the body because this resolves the root causes of the main imbalances (instead of acting on the symptoms) and promotes long-term health and energy​

Today, the main holistic therapies are based on the same principle and, even when they do not expressly speak of Qi, they inevitably work on this energy to try to restore an optimal balance

"In 30 years of Qi Gong, I have never seen an actual emission of Qi. Then I met Master Zhou..."
Giorgio S.
My name is Giorgio S. and I have been practicing Qi Gong since November 1976. For about ten years I have practiced only external styles, with two different Masters, one Irish and the other Chinese. Meeting with a Master who practiced internal styles made me realize that practice is not just kicking and hitting and that there is a world where true strength is not in the physical matter, but there is another force that is much more powerful that does not diminish with aging. On the contrary, it increases more and more.
With this Master, I practiced intensely for 17 years, until his unfortunate premature death. After his death, I continued to practice following his teachings and meeting many (Chinese) Qi Gong masters, very famous in the West. Despite having practiced Qi Gong, with dedication and perseverance, for 30 years, I could not do or see a real Qi emission. I witnessed teachers blowing up their students with a single wave of the hand or just looking at them. When I asked to try it, they told me that I was not ready to receive Qi and that it would have been dangerous.
In my opinion, neither of them was able to emit Qi. It was mental conditioning that led the students to follow all the movements of their teacher. I must say that, despite various disappointments, I have always believed that there was a great force within us and that we only needed to find a way to use it. So I put myself, even with a bit of skepticism, to search the Internet for everything concerned about the Qi topic. I discovered Shifu Costantino's site and decided to enroll in Nei Qi Gong courses. In November, I was allowed to go to China and personally meet Master Zhou. It was like leaving a room where I have been locked up for years and finally seeing what was outside.
Master Zhou is a wonderful, humble, and kind person, with a great desire to teach all those who have the humility to learn. Without many rounds of words, he made me feel his Qi, and, without touching me, he did a Qi emission to me. I had seen Master Zhou emit Qi to other people, but feeling it myself was something that cannot be explained, and that makes you change completely. It is not about suggestions or sensations, it is not about "it seems that I feel something", it is an immense force that stuns and that few men in the world can dominate. I don't know where I can go on my new path, but now I really know that there are people who can teach me.
Giorgio S.
I fully recovered from a serious chronic health problem...
I could speak for a long time about everything Shifu Constantino Valente and Nei Qi Gong have done for me. Over the years I have had the privilege of accompanying these Masters on their trips and spending a lot of time with them. Even today, Nei Qi Gong continues to be one of the most important practices of my life.
I fully recovered from a serious chronic health problem I had from birth (considered incurable by official medicine). I mastered my body and its functions in ways I could never have imagined were possible (but still infinitesimal compared to my Masters). I have acquired a level of energy that allows me to maintain a very high work rate and recharge quickly, thanks to which today I can easily guide an entire spiritual movement and take care of an incalculable number of people.
I was lucky in this life to meet many spiritual teachers and human beings out of the ordinary, but I can say that Shifu Costantino Valente and Nei Qi Gong are amongst the most precious treasures I have found. My words will never express the true gratitude I feel for them.
Surya Cillo
The first online lesson with Jiaoshi Andreas was excellent. His attention to form and communication of details and finer points of information is of the highest standards. The actual movements and exercises of Xing Shen Zhuang Gong are very potent, you can feel and understand the benefits of the movements for the body and mind. Thank you Jiaoshi Andreas for a great experience.
Mehmet (UK)
The learning for me with Andrea was outstanding and very efficient.
Andrea is very patient with the teachings and explains the techniques very thoroughly.
I felt I was guided with sincere, dedicated, and empathic care for my personal goals.
He is communicating directly at an eye-to-eye level, without any barriers, that kind of interaction makes the practice and knowledge-gaining process very effective.
Andrea has an amazingly humble and caring nature, a truly rare human being that surpassed the illusion of ego.
Dr. David (Hungary)
Today I have started the practice of Xing Shen Zhuang Gong and I can say that it has been wonderful. I am very satisfied with the practice, and with this excellent knowledge. In addition, the teacher is a great person, with a perfect way of teaching and explaining.
All are very well explained and detailed, with some excellent study materials that you will receive at the end of the class. Thank you Jiaoshi Andrea for sharing your knowledge.
Cristo (Spain)
I am really happy about your zoom lesson and the precise coaching. Practicing afterward with the video works perfectly. So far I can say it results for me in a clear mind and a light-feeling body. I feel more present now. A blockage I had in my right shoulder disappeared during our online class. I realized that after the session. I think this method opens a big door toward improving myself in many aspects, physically and mentally.
Ralf (Germany)

Email: info@neiqigongjiaoshiandrea.com Whatsapp: +39 333 77 41 312
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